Friday, August 22, 2008


I was working in a Manufacturing company when I heard to my sister about her friend named Ronald Shane Flynn , I don’t have any idea about him so I ignore my sister’s saying. That time, I’m not thinking that maybe someday I will work to his company (Spectrum Blue Steel). When time comes and I had to leave my working company because my contract there has been expired. So that I have to look for another job, and then my sister asked me if I wanted to worked with her friend, Ronald Flynn. I accept her offer because it was a good opportunity for me to be a part of his company. She says that this company (Spectrum Blue Steel) is a big company, and it’s a multi billion company. And my sister proved to me that it’s true. I’m so excited and happy to be part of it, but I was so confused because I don’t know what to do. I don’t have any idea what they doing and it was my first time to work in a public company! But they’re all nice and they helped me to be confident to all what I’m going to do with my job. And I can see that Mr. Flynn is doing good he is so workaholic and love his company so much.

He owned 4 Public companies in the US, including GEECF (Global Environmental Energy Corporation) and FIGHTERSOFT Multimedia Corporation. GEECF is a project that I can’t even imagine. I couldn't think that the garbage is also useful, but it is possible! It used to recycle and it turns into energy, and this process assists in solving the global warming problem by converting disposable materials like Automobile and truck tires, Municipal Solid Waste, Land Fill Reclamation, oil-contaminated ground water. It also helps us to reduce the garbage, to become a cleanliness and greener country! I was so amazed and happy for Mr. Flynn because of his fantastic idea!

The other one is the FIGHTERSOFT Multimedia Corp., it offers the highest and modern technology. Now a day, only the babies have no mobile phones. That’s why Mr. Flynn built this FIGHTERSOFT so it can be used even in the cheapest type of mobile phones. It’s so worthy to have was so amazing! And that was the brilliant idea of Mr. Ronald Shane Flynn, the founder and the President of Spectrum Blue Steel Company.

I’m so blessed and happy to be part of Mr. Flynn’s company. He always says that we will learn more about so many things. Mr. Flynn is a prince and a billionaire...but he’s always down to earth. He doesn't think that he’s one of the richest people in the world, he doesn't mind if he is a prince. All he wants to do is to help the world, save the world. He has the pure heart who wants to every Filipino or even not a Filipino’s life. He helped other people without a doubt and not asking in return. He’s spending his life to help others! That was the real Ronald Shane Flynn. He is so nice to all of us, a friend of everybody! He is so inspiring, that’s why, all of my confussions is now gone. It was my pleasure to be the one of his employee, and a friend of the prince..!


Anonymous said...


shey said...

haha fuck you!!!the dog beside you was the perv not your loving and caring fiancee lol

shey said...

oh i just realised who you saying perv..yea he definitely is